Where our plants grow
The energy of cultivation sites with plant portraits
We love our plants and fruits. For us, the quality of a product starts, quite naturally, with the fields where they grow. We work in a close, trusting partnership with approximately 200 smallholders.
Our plants grow all around the world. Luxuriant healing and rejuvenative plants, rich in active substances, flourish in energy-rich, potent places. Our Sacred Plants are cherished and nurtured with great love, skill and attention. Our partners are paid a fair price that their families can live on, and that enables them to send their children to school.
Ecuador – Aloe Vera
Energy-rich light and cool shade in the warm and humid tropics of Ecuador help our special Aloe Vera to flourish luxuriantly and grow for four to five years. The plant then proudly presents to us her majestic Aloe Vera leaves. Every single leaf is har-vested lovingly and mindfully by hand. In this way, the vitality of our healing and rejuvenative plants is retained in full.
Bolivia – Black Sesame
With our partners in Bolivia, we actively protect the rainforest. Our motto is “Helping Others to Help Themselves” and we are successfully preventing soil erosion and desertification at the sites where our Black Sesame Seed is grown.
Our partnership with 50 smallholder families so far in southern Bolivia has enabled them to build a new life and to learn organic farming with no artificial chemicals. Sustainable and for the long term.
The Amazon Rainforest – Annatto
Our Annatto seeds grow quite naturally in the wild of the Amazon Rainforest. Here the Achuar and Shuar tribes mindfully gather them for us. We have promised them that we will help to protect their rainforest habitat and to preserve their exten-sive knowledge.
The Himalayas – Reishi
Foragers harvest our Reishi fungus in the Himalayan region, where it grows and flourishes wild and free, in communion with other plants. Without this, the Reishi fungus would not be nearly as effective; it needs this communion to shape and de-velop its unique network of ingredients, its extensive light energy and its high vibra-tions.
The Vienna Woods – St John’s Wort
Our St John’s Wort grows and thrives in the Vienna Woods in Austria, on untreat-ed meadows flooded with sunlight. In this way we successfully preserve the potency of precious St John’s Wort flowers. Harvesting the flowers by hand is how we ex-press our reverence for nature.