What are sacred plants?
Healing and rejuvenative plants from all over the world
We protect the “sacred” in our select healing and rejuvenative plants, and that is why we call them Sacred Plants. But what does this mean? Our plants naturally live in accord with cosmic principles and we cultivate them in harmony with the predetermined rhythms of nature. They always grow exactly where best suits them, in the most energy-rich potent sites in the world, in healthy, ecological mixed cultivation, with no agricultural poisons. They are cosseted with intensive light energy (biophotons) and with high vibrations. Perfectly naturally. Our incredibly skilful, knowledgeable smallholders attend them with great love and mindfulness. This energy too influences the plants and boosts them to develop magnificently. Because there are no coincidences in the cosmos. There is a perfect order for everything. We follow this axiom of quantum physicist and Nobel laureate Erwin Schrödinger with the deepest conviction. If we are mindful of nature’s rhythms, plants will bestow on us all their potency and authentic properties. On the material active substance level, their unique network of ingredients. On the energy level, everything that influences them, including, for example, the loving care of the smallholders. And on the spiritual level, their creative power. Sacred Plants contribute to well-being on the physical level and far beyond. They always boost our health potential, awaking new energy within us. They activate our vitality and raise our personal vibrations. We can experience this as joie de vivre, as moments of intense happiness and inner contentment.
Ancient knowledge combined with modern scientific insight
Plants are unbelievably wise living organisms, and they remain wise when they are properly handled. They bear ancient knowledge within themselves. Secrets that have been preserved for centuries. We combine all of this with modern scientific insights when we make our Green Luxury products. Our up-to-date expertise is the foundation of our tireless research work. We let our plants speak and act in their pure forms. They raise our energy levels with their beauty and sensuousness. And they take us along a new path to attractiveness, health and wholeness. The combination of the plants’ material active substance level with their essential potency and their spiritual energy transforms nature’s wisdom into a perfection that you can experience in our Green Luxury natural cosmetics, Lebensgesundmittel and treatments. You will feel the sumptuous opulence of nature; our products are called Green Luxury for a reason! In Latin, the word Luxus originally meant ‘opulent fertility’. For us, this means that we see the origin, the wholeness and the potency of plants. In this green context, luxury is a value in its own right, genuine reverence for nature, for Mother Earth, for everything that lives.
Plants are living beings, with body, spirit and soul
Every plant possesses its own energy and its own individual essential potency. Plants are a natural unity, living beings, with body, spirit and soul. If we preserve this unity in our Green Luxury natural products, their effect on us is therapeutic and regenerative, inside and out. They act equally on our bodies, our spirits and our souls. We are always learning and relearning that plants are assigned to a spiritual principle. This is how they successfully create a connection between the material and spiritual worlds, and they always do this when they are preserved whole with all their unique potency. We respect this at all times. We place great value on keeping our Sacred Plants whole and not breaking them down into their individual components in all of our processing steps. This understanding is enshrined in our corporate philosophy, and is the basis for all of PHARMOS NATUR’s high-quality Green Luxury products.
Our sacred plants
Adaptogenic and intelligent plants. A comprehensive efficacy spectrum
Because our adaptogenic healing and rejuvenative plants know what they are doing. The word “adaptogenic” comes from Latin and is derived from “adaptare”, which is also the root of the English word “adapt”. Adaptation is an essential property of adaptogenics. Our healing and rejuvenative plants, strengthened with biophotons, intensive light energy and high vibrations, are therefore always able to do what is needed where it is needed. Their intelligence is unparalleled. Their adaptogenic ability boosts our resilience. Intelligent plants know without being told what our bodies need them to do. That is why preserving the plants’ body, spirit and soul is so close to our hearts when we produce our Green Luxury cosmetics and Lebensgesundmittel. In this way you benefit from their complexity and their perfect unity, on your skin, in your body and in your entire energy field. We include the energy and spiritual levels of plants beyond the material active substance level. You will feel this too, with all your senses, each time you use your individual Green Luxury natural products, immediately, and with every treatment. “Plants have consciousness too. They are nature’s memory and possess a great intelligence”, according to the British plant physiologist Rupert Sheldrake.