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Gesicht einer Frau von oben, während ihr auf die Backen jeweils eine Aloe Vera Scheibe eingerieben wird



Nature that works. You will experience this in our treatments in a very special way. Enjoy the personalised, mindful touch of the PHARMOS NATUR method. The highlight is feeling the fresh Aloe Vera leaf on your skin, your body and in your entire being.

With our “booking time” concept, you always have the choice: how long should your treatment last? What issues preoccupy you? 

What would you like to emphasise? You, your current state of mind and your wishes all take centre stage together. Experience the unique, regenerative action of choice, adaptogenic and smart healing and rejuvenative plants. The action of Sacred Plants with visible and tangible results, for your beauty, health and joie de vivre. 

Make yourself an appointment with a beauty therapist of your choice, or book yourself a stay in a select Wellness Hotel.


Mindful touch 

Our treatments follow the detoxification principle, with mindfulness taking pride of place, touching you on the deepest level. Our beauty therapists work exclusively with their hands and do not use gadgets. This means they touch you where you need it, where they can reach your individuality and your state of mind. 
You will sense the enveloping, regenerative action of our treatments, performed lovingly, reverently and mindfully for you, always from the bottom of our hearts.
You will first experience the active substance level through our sensuous products. They regenerate, care and protect. On the spiritual and energy levels, you will feel movement created deep within you through being touched with Green Luxury products, creating a body-mind awareness and preserving your health and beauty. You will feel alive.
Our plants and products have body, spirit and soul. Nutrient-rich Aloe Vera, full of light energy and high vibrations, is the base of all our natural products instead of water. We do not add alcohol, citric acid, parabens or phenoxyethanol as preservatives.

Treatments with fresh plants 

The spirit of Aloe Vera is incorporated into the treatment with mindful touch. The highlight is the use of fresh Aloe Vera leaves. Your skin will absorb the moisturising gel completely. The multiple ingredients will nourish your cells, repairing and regenerating them, visibly slowing the ageing process. For radiant, wonderful skin. Beauty inside and out. Experience pure well-being in your whole body.




Eine durchgeschnittene Aloe Vera Scheibe wird gezeigt, während ihr Gel auseinandergezogen wird

Treatments and rituals

Mindfulness also means commitment.

Mindfulness also means commitment. Arrive at the place you have chosen for your treatment. Attune yourself to the surroundings and connect. This is something you always have time for. The more specific the initial discussion, the easier it is to dis-cover your concerns, which will lead to the right approach for the treatment, its em-phasis and how long it lasts. And, of course, to the appropriate Green Luxury prod-ucts. 

To ensure the quality of our treatments, we naturally comply with the special stand-ards and procedures that we co-developed with experts.
We have worked with spe-cialists from all over the world for many years to create



treatment rituals and proce-dures that will inspire you and lead you into another world. 
Straight after your first treatment you will see and feel the intensity on your skin. An-ything old will be purged, you will create power, your body will feel liberated. Ten-sion and stress will drain away and your vital energy will start to flow again. This means freshness, vivacity and lightness. 

Indulge yourself. Allow yourself time to slow down, to regenerate, to re-energise and to feel beautiful and alive. Enjoy the treatment and its use of extraordinary natural products and the fresh, miracle-working Aloe Vera leaves.


Our treatment approaches

Face or whole body? Take your time to explore the various approaches.
With your therapist, you will find exactly what you need now, both for the short and the long term.





Experience how it feels when bliss floods your senses, when tension and stress drain from your body.
Enjoy the miracles that mindful touch can work, on your skin and deep inside.

Pure nature with rejuvenative power. A delivery of powerful collagen to improve the density of your skin, give it a fuller appearance and make you happy. Wrinkles and small lines are smoother. The depth of wrinkles is visibly reduced and the connec-tive tissue is strengthened.

A new stimulus for genuine, rapid toning and regeneration. Lines and wrinkles are visibly reduced, leaving you with an even, smooth and rejuvenated complexion. You will be radiant inside and out.

Deep relaxation for skin and soul. Signs of stress and tension fade away. New en-ergy stimulates cell renewal. Reddening disappears and the skin is visibly soothed. A wonderful skin feeling and new emotional energy.

An interplay of precious herbs, rich in active substances, that activates the lymph flow and purifies and unblocks the tissues. Your skin’s elasticity and resilience will improve. Small veins will become less visible. Your skin becomes clear and well-toned. 

The kick for a vivacious, fresh appearance. An application of intensive moisture that will penetrate deep into your skin. Experience and enjoy the invigorating effect of this refreshing, moisturising treatment.

An intensive deep-action cleansing treatment. The balancing and anti-inflammatory effect will leave you with an improved complexion and a wonderful feeling of well-being.

Choice healing and rejuvenative plants cool, soothe, regenerate and accelerate the healing process in sun-damaged skin. Free radicals are neutralised and the mois-ture deposits are replenished. The skin is supplied with new energy.

Protection, regeneration and care at the coldest time of the year. Precious lipids tend to your skin at all levels, even the deepest. They calm and soothe reddened, chapped and stressed skin. Mindful touch boosts the effect of untreated plant prod-ucts and restores balance to your skin and soul.

A protective care treatment for young skin, especially suitable for blemished skin or acne, that leaves your complexion fresh and clear. 

Bright eyes. Tension, fatigue and swelling all drain away. Rings and shadows under the eyes are visibly reduced and the tear sacs become less evident. The delicate skin around the eyes becomes firmer.

Exclusive ROHINI
This intensive treatment ritual will pamper your skin with exquisite, uniquely intelli-gent adaptogenic plants. They will unleash their potency precisely where it is re-quired, so your skin will receive what it most needs. Genuine regeneration and silky-soft care that acts at the deepest level and leaves you radiant, inside and out.

Experience nature that works. SACRED PLANTS. Visible and tangible effects are immediately apparent on your skin and all over your body. Cell renewal, regenera-tion and invigoration. The highlight is the use of special fresh Aloe Vera leaves. Firm and toned skin, nurtured to perfection. Perfectly suited for sensitive skin.



Feel tension and stress drain from your body as mindful touch works its mira-cles. Experience a feeling of bliss in all your cells,
on your skin and in your en-tire being. The application of special fresh Aloe Vera leaves will leave you feel-ing refreshed and regenerated.

A detoxification treatment for the whole body with precious medicinal plants, Sacred Plants, combined with untreated organic Aloe Vera. This treatment purifies and un-blocks the lymph system, strengthens and firms the connective tissue, activates the metabolism and reduces cellulite. You will feel liberated and light. 

Deep relaxation and unwinding for skin and soul. Your spirit will find rest. Your nervous system will be able to let go. Balance will be restored to reddened and trou-bled skin. Intensive feelings of well-being and serenity on all levels. 

A warming, detoxifying massage to release tensions, invigorate muscles and joints and boost circulation. Particularly beneficial after sporting activities. For new flexibil-ity and greater joie de vivre.


The moisture deposits in the skin will be filled to the brim and bathed in intensive light energy. This strengthens the connective tissue in an entirely natural way. For silky-smooth skin.

Harmony for body, spirit and soul. The vegetative nervous system will be soothed and able to restore its interconnections. The immune system will be boosted and your vitality will gain new momentum. This energy will flood your whole body. 

An intensive nourishing and rejuvenating massage with purest plant power. An in-novative combination of lipids, vitamins and antioxidants to efficiently tone the skin and reactivate skin renewal. 

An exclusive massage with a herbal peel and sumptuous body care – a fountain of youth for the skin and metabolism. The perfect interplay between precious herbs and mindful touch forms the basis of this extraordinary whole-body treatment, to stimulate your metabolism, tone and revitalise your skin and tissues. Your skin will become velvety-soft, smooth and supple. You will feel reborn.

Mindful massage strokes are a balm for body and soul during pregnancy. Experi-ence the action of pure plant potency in and on your skin!    
Your legs will feel light again, stressed connective tissue will be strengthened, with relief for your back too. And your baby bump will be tended with love. 



Body scrubs and baths

Purifying, liberating body scrubs and relaxing, soothing baths.
Immerse yourself in this pleasure!

Finely ground seaweed with organic Aloe Vera. The scrub will gently remove old skin cells, regulate circulation and firm connective tissue.

Palestinian sea salt, precious medicinal plants and black sesame oil to stimulate your metabolism and detoxify and tone your tissues. 

A sublime herbal scrub with rejuvenative plants to revitalise and regenerate the skin and promote healthy circulation. Your skin will be smooth, toned and velvety-soft.

This wonderful head-to-toe pampering ritual begins with a warming footbath. A lib-erating massage will send you into full relaxation while the precious active sub-stances of the Love Your Age package tone your skin effectively and reactivate skin renewal.  

Excess acids and accretions can be soaked away in the mineral alkaline bath. Blocked tissue fluids will be released and eliminated from the body.


Body masks and softpack

Healthy minds live in healthy bodies. Our tried-and-tested treatments detoxify, tone and nourish, thus ensuring particularly intensive results. They improve your skin’s appearance and texture in cases of cellulite, supply the skin with lasting moisture or highly effective anti-ageing complexes and minerals. Choose your focus.

A true anti-ageing treatment to give new structure to the skin. The cell-repair com-plex acts as a highly effective, rejuvenating radical trapper. The skin is toned in an entirely natural way, the connective tissue is strengthened and the moisture depos-its are replenished. An immediately visible rejuvenative effect with a long-lasting impact.

Specially tailored to the needs of dry skin. Precious pure plant oils are prepared with organic Aloe Vera and applied to the body. Your skin will absorb the active sub-stances completely and will again become velvety-soft and well-nourished.



Enjoy your own personal body styling. The complex of active substances in this package will be rapidly absorbed by your skin. They activate the lymph flow, tone the tissues and reduce cellulite. Your nurtured, nourished and smoothed skin will show its best side.

This warming and circulation-boosting body package releases tensions, relieves muscle and joint pain and is particularly beneficial after sporting or other physical activities.

When you are wrapped up warmly, deep relaxation and well-being can spread through you. This special package unleashes an optimised interaction between ac-tive substances with a particularly regenerative and restorative effect on your whole body.


Our sacred plants in the bottle

50 ml


€1,770.00 / 1 l
{ content_name: 'Nourishing Rose Cream', content_category: '', content_ids: ['1-010016'], content_type: 'product', value: '88.5', currency: 'EUR' }

50 ml


€2,230.00 / 1 l
{ content_name: 'LOVE YOUR AGE Repair Balm', content_category: '', content_ids: ['1-030001'], content_type: 'product', value: '111.5', currency: 'EUR' }

50 ml


€1,640.00 / 1 l
{ content_name: 'Care Balm', content_category: '', content_ids: ['1-010014'], content_type: 'product', value: '82', currency: 'EUR' }