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Gründerin Frau Margot Esser in einem Anbaugebiet

Founder Margot Esser

My journey to PHARMOS NATUR 
In the early 1980s, while on a business trip to the southern USA, I suffered severe burns on my face and upper body as the result of an accident. I was taken to a medical centre only just in time. It was a naturopathic and shamanic facility, and with hindsight, it was a stroke of fate that was to turn my entire life upside down. 

Naturopaths took very gently and loving care of me there. They treated my wounds sensitively and with great skill, with the freshly pressed gel from a special Aloe Vera plant. I benefited so much from their mindful touch and loving attention. 

I could hardly believe it when first my pain faded, then disappeared completely, within so short a space of time. As a result of this extraordinary plant’s healing action, my skin and body regenerated, without any scarring, before my very eyes. Admittedly, my skin has been extremely sensitive ever since. 

This experience triggered a true transformational process within me. I discovered how mindful touch combined with this special Aloe Vera initiated a healing, regenerative process, both on my skin and deep within me.

All my senses were opened to the power of plants and to the beauty and variety of nature. My curiosity and enquiring mind were awakened: how could I pass on my experiences, the use of special plants and healing touch to the many people who were seeking exactly that? I longed for everybody to experience for themselves the serendipitous effect of select healing and rejuvenative plants, to feel the enormous regenerative power of Sacred Plants on their own bodies, day in, day out. 

I made my decision there and then: I said goodbye to my professional career in the pharmaceutical industry and founded my own business. 

Gründerin Margot Esser neben einem Kleinbauern vor einem Feld
Gründerin Frau Margot Esser in einem Anbaugebiet

That was the hour in which PHARMOS NATUR was born.

On 1 March 1986, everything finally got up and running. With two colleagues, we began to launch six Aloe Vera products onto the market. Today, PHARMOS NATUR Green Luxury is a successful, pioneering family business making Green Luxury Natural Cosmetics, Green Luxury Lebensgesundmittel®, and providing unique treatments. Wholeness, ecology, sustainability, fair trade and social responsibility are the watchwords defining what we do and how we think.

I developed VegetoDynamik® as the jewel in the crown of all our treatments. It is much more than a holistic treatment method, it is a philosophy of life and self-development in one, shaped by mindfulness and respect for yourself, other people and the “big picture”. It is about bringing head, heart and body back together into a new unity, integrating head and heart, and activating self-healing.

With heart and soul, we pass on all this knowledge, skills and feelings to those interested. Our excellent training and professional development academy on Lake Starnberg has become one of the company’s important cornerstones.

For more than 35 years, my team and I have developed and lived this philosophy. We are more and more aware of nature’s regenerative power, her beneficial and frequently healing energy, her all-embracing network of active substances, her intensive light energy/biophotons and her high vibrations. We came to realize that, when all this comes together, we find nature that works.

A pioneering, enquiring mind 

Since my accident, this has been the driving force within me. It awoke slumbering abilities: I so wanted other people to experience and enjoy these extraordinary plants. But Aloe Vera was largely unknown in this part of the world. Natural cosmetics as we know them today barely existed as a trend 35 years ago. It was a difficult time. I spent more than ten years researching and developing products until I was completely satisfied with the quality. 

Attempts to cultivate Aloe Vera around the world, in order to obtain the best quality, taught me that I always had something new to learn, and gave me an ever better understanding of the laws of nature. Then it struck me: there are things in heaven and earth that we cannot see but yet still affect us. I call them energy and spirit. These invisible forces play an essential role in all living organisms. 

My goal was unshakable: developing top-quality natural cosmetics, ecologically and holistically, as nature shows us in her all-embracing beauty. Products that are good for the skin, that activate regeneration processes and do not cause any damage. 

Everyone who despairs of cosmetics because of neurodermatitis, acne, sensitive skin or other skin issues, because they cannot tolerate anything, should be able to use our products. I have worked with many committed scientists in all disciplines on this long journey. I have so often heard the words “what you want is not possible”. But in the end, they never let go of their curiosity or their desire to make possible the hitherto unknown and impossible. This was a bond between us and in some cases led to a deep friendship.


Ureinwohner in Ecuador bemalt Gründerin Margot Esser im Gesicht

Searching for the best plants  

There followed an intensive phase with many attempts to cultivate Aloe Vera around the globe. I simply wanted to discover the best growth conditions in order to obtain the highest possible quality. 

Many comprehensive series of tests led us from the Tibetan meditation centre in Andalusia, via various medical faculties in North Africa, the Canaries and Chile, from Columbia, Cuba and Mexico, to Ecuador. 

Today our potent Aloe Vera plants grow in sustainable mixed cultivation, with no agricultural poisons, consistently environmentally friendly.

Our plants flourish directly on the Equator, under the best climatic conditions, in potent energy-rich sites on the Pacific coast. Here they develop their comprehensive network of active substances, their intensive light energy/biophotons and their high vibrations. 

Our plants are nurtured and cherished with loving devotion and great skill by our farmers. In communion with papayas, mangos, noni, cocoa and moringa, the plants communicate with each other and obtain the nutrients they need for healthy growth. 

We have learned from the Maya farmers that all plants want to grow together in families. We implement this knowledge consistently when cultivating our Sacred Plants, with great reverence for Mother Earth. When the soil is fertile, the plants grow roots and shoots in the beneficial climate, their intensive light energy/biophotons can develop and everything is carried by the high vibrations, then we have achieved our goal: 

SACRED PLANTS – Nature that works.

Our Sacred Plants

50 ml


€1,770.00 pro 1 l
{ content_name: 'Nourishing Rose Cream', content_category: 'Founder Margot Esser', content_ids: ['1-010016'], content_type: 'product', value: '88.5', currency: 'EUR' }

50 ml


€3,660.00 pro 1 l
{ content_name: 'LOVE YOUR AGE Power Cream', content_category: 'Founder Margot Esser', content_ids: ['1-030002'], content_type: 'product', value: '183', currency: 'EUR' }

50 ml


€1,640.00 pro 1 l
{ content_name: 'Care Balm', content_category: 'Founder Margot Esser', content_ids: ['1-010014'], content_type: 'product', value: '82', currency: 'EUR' }