- fruit-fibre enzyme-containing goodness from the babaco papaya
- with intensive light energy and high vibrations
- holistically preserved and delicious fruit powder
- food can be broken down quickly and cell waste transported away more rapidly
- enzyme exfoliation from the inside
- known as the “health melon” or “medicine tree” by the indigenous people
- thrives in fertile volcanic soil with a broad spectrum of nutrients
- gluten-free and lactose-free
- no preservatives
- fair and responsible partnerships with smallholders in the mountains of Ecuador
Available, delivery time: 3-4 days
The babaco papaya is our heroine from Ecuador’s mountains. The trees grow high in the Andes, at an altitude of 3,500 metres, on extremely fertile volcanic soil steeped in light energy (biophotons). This particular variety of papaya only grows in Ecuador – it is at home here. An incredibly broad spectrum of nutrients can be found in these fertile soils, a remarkable variety of natural components for a healthy life. The earth contains minerals and trace elements that are very rarely found in our soils these days. We made a very conscious decision when we chose this as our cultivation area. Our babaco papayas thrive magnificently in this region. All plants and their fruits absorb the many nutrients from the fertile soil and develop their many talents under the best climatic conditions.
Our heroine from ecuador's mountains
Our heroine from ecuador's mountains
The babaco papaya is our heroine from Ecuador’s mountains. The trees grow high in the Andes, at an altitude of 3,500 metres, on extremely fertile volcanic soil steeped in light energy (biophotons). This particular variety of papaya only grows in Ecuador – it is at home here. An incredibly broad spectrum of nutrients can be found in these fertile soils, a remarkable variety of natural components for a healthy life. The earth contains minerals and trace elements that are very rarely found in our soils these days. We made a very conscious decision when we chose this as our cultivation area. Our babaco papayas thrive magnificently in this region. All plants and their fruits absorb the many nutrients from the fertile soil and develop their many talents under the best climatic conditions.
The indigenous people call it the "Health Melon"
The fruits are known as “health melons” or “medicine tree” by the indigenous people. In their immature phase, that is, during the first 6-8 months, the babaco papaya fruit has a dark green skin. The inner fruit flesh is white and packed with the enzyme PAPAIN.
Harvesting at the right time is crucial
Our smallholders recognise and sense the subtleties of the right harvest time. That is why they harvest every individual fruit carefully by hand, and only when the entire fruit is bursting with papain. During its important growing season, the fruit’s papain-rich juice protects it from fermentation, rot, and predators. The babaco fruit undergoes a thorough transformation process before it ripens fully. By the time its skin is yellowish and consequently ripe, the fruit flesh on the inside will be reddish in colour. At this point it tastes delicious, but contains only a small quantity of enzymes.
Interesting books for a healthy lifestyle.
Obst und Gemüse als Medizin, Klaus Oberbeil, Dr. med Christiane Lentz
Quelle des Lebens: Enzyme Winfried Miller
Enzyme - die Bausteine unseres Lebens Prof. Dr. Mielke und Willams
Enzymhaltige Obst-Faser-Kost aus der Babaco-Papaya
Die Babaco-Papaya enthält eine Vielfalt an Bausteinen für ein gesundes Leben
Enzymes, the key to life
Just as the babaco papaya needs its mix of papain enzymes to protect itself, thus ensuring healthy growth, humans need enzymes too. All our physical processes only function when sufficient enzymes are available – they govern these processes within our bodies. Today, science knows that the body’s own enzyme activity declines as we get older and when we are under stress. That is why we recommend eating enzyme-rich foods every day.
We grow babaco papaya for this reason. BABACOVERA® provides you with supplementary, enzyme-rich, high-fibre fruit-fibre goodness. Papain is an enzyme that splits protein and breaks it down into the smallest amino acids to aid your digestion. Because food is quickly broken down, all nutrients can be transported to your cells and cell waste can then be transported away more quickly.
Untreated, delicious, enzyme-rich fruit powder
BABACOVERA® is an untreated, delicious, enzyme-rich fruit powder, consisting of 90% whole green babaco papaya and 10% milled carica papaya seeds. BABACOVERA® is gluten-free and lactose-free. As you (should) eat a portion of healthy, vital fruit and vegetables daily, we recommend that you chew BABACOVERA® every day, for the sake of your health. You can carry BABACOVERA® with you very easily, wherever you go. At home, at work, when out and about. Chewing BABACOVERA® will make you feel light, liberated and full of vitality.
Make BABACOVERA® a permanent ingredient in your daily menu plan. Chew ¼ teaspoon of fruit powder several times a day, between meals and after them. Moisten it well with saliva, then swallow. BABACOVERA® will make you thirsty, so drink plenty of water.
Hoch in den Anden wachsen die Bäume auf 3.500 Meter Höhe
Naturbelassenes, schmackhaftes und enzymhaltiges Fruchtpulver
Mehrmals täglich 1/4 TL Fruchtpulver versetzt zu den Mahlzeiten gut einspeicheln, kauen und schlucken. Wichtig: Viel trinken! Für die Verdauung direkt nach dem essen 1/4 TL verzehren.
90% Babaco-Papaya und 10% Carica-Papaya, getrocknet und gemahlen
The indigenous people call it the "Health Melon"
The fruits are known as “health melons” or “medicine tree” by the indigenous people. In their immature phase, that is, during the first 6-8 months, the babaco papaya fruit has a dark green skin. The inner fruit flesh is white and packed with the enzyme PAPAIN.
Harvesting at the right time is crucial
Our smallholders recognise and sense the subtleties of the right harvest time. That is why they harvest every individual fruit carefully by hand, and only when the entire fruit is bursting with papain. During its important growing season, the fruit’s papain-rich juice protects it from fermentation, rot, and predators. The babaco fruit undergoes a thorough transformation process before it ripens fully. By the time its skin is yellowish and consequently ripe, the fruit flesh on the inside will be reddish in colour. At this point it tastes delicious, but contains only a small quantity of enzymes.
Interesting books for a healthy lifestyle.
Obst und Gemüse als Medizin, Klaus Oberbeil, Dr. med Christiane Lentz
Quelle des Lebens: Enzyme Winfried Miller
Enzyme - die Bausteine unseres Lebens Prof. Dr. Mielke und Willams
Enzymhaltige Obst-Faser-Kost aus der Babaco-Papaya
Die Babaco-Papaya enthält eine Vielfalt an Bausteinen für ein gesundes Leben
Enzymes, the key to life
Just as the babaco papaya needs its mix of papain enzymes to protect itself, thus ensuring healthy growth, humans need enzymes too. All our physical processes only function when sufficient enzymes are available – they govern these processes within our bodies. Today, science knows that the body’s own enzyme activity declines as we get older and when we are under stress. That is why we recommend eating enzyme-rich foods every day.
We grow babaco papaya for this reason. BABACOVERA® provides you with supplementary, enzyme-rich, high-fibre fruit-fibre goodness. Papain is an enzyme that splits protein and breaks it down into the smallest amino acids to aid your digestion. Because food is quickly broken down, all nutrients can be transported to your cells and cell waste can then be transported away more quickly.
Untreated, delicious, enzyme-rich fruit powder
BABACOVERA® is an untreated, delicious, enzyme-rich fruit powder, consisting of 90% whole green babaco papaya and 10% milled carica papaya seeds. BABACOVERA® is gluten-free and lactose-free. As you (should) eat a portion of healthy, vital fruit and vegetables daily, we recommend that you chew BABACOVERA® every day, for the sake of your health. You can carry BABACOVERA® with you very easily, wherever you go. At home, at work, when out and about. Chewing BABACOVERA® will make you feel light, liberated and full of vitality.
Make BABACOVERA® a permanent ingredient in your daily menu plan. Chew ¼ teaspoon of fruit powder several times a day, between meals and after them. Moisten it well with saliva, then swallow. BABACOVERA® will make you thirsty, so drink plenty of water.
Hoch in den Anden wachsen die Bäume auf 3.500 Meter Höhe
Naturbelassenes, schmackhaftes und enzymhaltiges Fruchtpulver
Mehrmals täglich 1/4 TL Fruchtpulver versetzt zu den Mahlzeiten gut einspeicheln, kauen und schlucken. Wichtig: Viel trinken! Für die Verdauung direkt nach dem essen 1/4 TL verzehren.
90% Babaco-Papaya und 10% Carica-Papaya, getrocknet und gemahlen
Questions & Answers
“When we process our sacred plants into Green Luxury products, we do everything to preserve the plants’ complex network. It is a wonderfully functioning synergy.”
Interesting to know
The volcano Tungurahua is only five km away from our cultivation area. It “spits” out volcanic ash regularly, which is not entirely without danger. But the local people and our farmer families are used to living with an active volcano, to which they ascribe magical powers.
The volcano’s constant rumbling and shaking can be heard and felt at our cultivation area. When we visit, we need to get used to this too, and sometimes we need to overcome our mild fear. Washing that we hang outside to dry is black with ash the following morning.
This, however, is also greatly beneficial: the earth is and will remain highly fertile.